July 27, 2024

GLOGDA Youth Group Webinar Series: West Point – “A Road Less Traveled”

Interested in hearing about U.S. Military Academy at West Point? We have three stellar speakers on Jan 1, 2023 to talk to you all about it!

How does West Point, the oldest military academy in the United States, attracts these youths who did not choose the Ivy League, but chose to go to West Point Military Academy to experience arduous physical training and military training. What kind of mental journey and experience is this? What will be the future development opportunities and challenges for the non-commissioned officers at West Point Military Academy?

​  Three young cadets spending their winter vacation to share about West Point Military Academy!

Date & Time:
Jan 1, 2023 4 p.m. (PST), 7 p.m. (EST);
​Sign Up: tinyurl.com/202311-westpoint



Daniel Hong: First year freshman introduces the application process at West Point Military Academy and how he mentally prepares for the change from being a civilian to a solder.

Andrew Wang: Second year cadet talks about training and personal growth at West Point.

Felita Zhang: Distinguished graduate shares her experience as one of the few female cadets at West Point.


Ellie Shen: President, Youth Group of GLOGDA

Report from Sing Dao Daily :

Three ABC Cadets shared their experience at West Point Military Academy


翰林文教基金會(Hanlin Education Foundation of America)和全球綠色發展聯盟(Global Green Development Alliance)兩個非營利組織的青年部,在2023年元旦舉辦線上分享會,名為「少有人走的路(A Road Less Traveled)——西點軍校分享會」,由三位年輕的華裔士官生分享西點軍校(United States Military Academy)這個美國歷史最悠久的軍事學院的點點滴滴,吸引了近一百人參與聆聽和討論。

首先開場的是2022剛剛入學的新兵Daniel Hong,分享從一個懵懂青年到立志報考軍校所做的心理準備和體能準備。他提到,入學前的暑期軍事訓練Cadet Basic Training (CBT),又稱神獸訓練營(Beast),使得他對未來所要面對的挑戰以及必須具備的堅毅品格有了清醒的理解。


第二位分享的是二年級生Andrew Wang,他是曾參加過世界游泳錦標賽的體壇佼佼者,準備了圖文並茂的西點軍校課程表和士官生的每日必備日程安排,條理分明又一目了然。Andrew強調,課程的繁忙考驗著士官生處理壓力以及做事優先順序的能力,這是日復一日的訓練,也是堅毅品格的塑造,他樂在其中。

第三位分享的是巾幗不讓鬚眉的「花木蘭」Felita Zhang,作為極少數的女性士官生,Felita不僅通過了西點軍校的所有嚴格考核,而且以優秀畢業生的殊榮,順利進入到哈佛大學醫學院深造。她特別感謝西點軍校提供巨大的個人成長資源和機會,不僅能夠聆聽世界上最優秀的學者專家的演講和教學,而且能夠親身經歷他們手把手的指導和幫助,對自己的職業生涯規劃和專業選擇有著不可替代的重要作用。本報訊