July 27, 2024

By: Katherine L. an Madeleine W. (2024, 4th Graders)

A Fiction Story based on a very windy day in fall in Argonaut 

Table of Contents 

  • Prologue………………………………………………………………………..pg.3 
  • Meeting Earth…………………………………………………………….pg.4 
  • Student Failures………………………………………………………..pg.5 
  • Under the Surface…………………………………………………….pg.6-7  
  • Return…………………………………………………………………………..pg.8 
  • The Plan……………………………………………………………………….pg.9-10 
  • Sun vs Wind………………………………………………………………..pg.11 
  • Allies…………………………………………………………………………pg.12-13 
  • Banishment for Life………………………………………………….pg.14 
  • Epilogue……………………………………………………………………….pg.15 
  • About the Authors/Illustrators/Credits……………pg.16 

Happy Reading!  


The clouds were gone in a snap. From dancing in the sky to vanishing when the Wind came. 

In a place far away from Earth called Minilia, Wind was the most feared criminal along with Rain and Hail. The Sun(his enemy)had often tried to capture him. But as swift as a hare he escaped his prison. He was the only one who could get past all the securities leader Sun put up. Not even Hail could get past the strong bars. But the task to escape was not over yet for Wind though. The guards captured him. Wind didn’t know where he was going. But as soon as he heard the guards mention the place, “a little blue green planet” his head screamed “EARTH! OH NO!” 

Chapter 1  Meeting Earth

The water was too blue. The ground was too green. The air was too fresh. The sun was too bright. Wind wasn’t used to this horrible, horrible place. He felt hot, hot, HOT. He tried to find some shade and finally found some in a school under a tree. But the Sun beat down on him almost every time he found shade as if scolding him for his misbehavior. Wind ran everywhere. He was hoping to found some shade. At first, the school let him join because they did not want to be rude, but they soon expelled him because their students were complaining about the sudden coldness and they did not wish for their business to be destroyed. Wind sadly left. 

Chapter 2 Student Failures

As Wind left, the school decided to warn other schools that Wind might be coming along for they knew his mischievous and windy ways. Meanwhile, Wind trudged on. Sad, tired, hopeless, and angry for revenge he crossed the world hoping to nd a place away from the blistering sun that followed him. He went to all of the places that he knew were cold, such as the Pacic Ocean, Antarctica, Indian Ocean, and 

the Mississippi River. Next, Wind tried all of the schools as well, but everyone quickly left when he came. 

In a panic, he tried the Indian ocean again but when he waded in he saw lots of sharp and pointy rocks. Then, he tried the Mississippi river again. But it was so shallow that Sun could see where he was if she wanted to. The last place he could go to was the Pacific Ocean. 

Chapter 3 Under The Surface

The Pacific Ocean was nice and cool but it was very deep. Wind thought: at least it doesn’t have any sharp rocks, shallow water or heat. He tried to swim, but couldn’t. Suddenly, there 

was a strong current and the current made Wind dive under the surface (Undignifyingly) . As he went underwater he saw a group of fish. Wind also saw a diver. Wind pushed him out of the water so they could talk. 

“What was that thingy of fish?” Said Wind. 

“Why that was a school of fish,” said the diver, surprised to see Wind talking. Wind dove under the surface without saying another word to meet the fishes. Then, he joined the school of fish and tried to learn as many shy things as possible. But for some reason, the fish kelped bumping into him as if they knew he wasn’t a fish at all. 

Because the fish were bumping him so hard and so many times Wind was knocked unconscious. (Wind gets unconscious easily)  


Chapter 4  Return

Wind’s dreams were all about Minilia, Sun, and Schools. He dreamed that a hundred Suns were chasing him in Minilia to a school, but it was all very foggy because he was unconscious. When he woke up he found that he had some sort of blindfold over his eyes. It was like Sun had actually chased him. Not only that but he found himself at Minilia. Wind was furious! How could Sun! 

He said to the guard, “Don’t you touch me again !” But despite the threats that Wind made the guard kept him in his straps. Wind tried to blow the straps o. The guard said it was no use. But the guard was wrong. Wind hued and pued and he nally blew himself out of the binds. 

Chapter 5  The Plan

Afraid, the guard ran back to get help, but by the time the backup came Wind was gone. He had snuck back into the prison to rescue his friends Rain and Hail. They were surprised to see Wind. Rain and Hail told Wind what was happening such as Sun declaring that if Wind escaped from the guard he would be banished forever from Minilia. 

When Wind heard this he laughed and said, “Sssooo, Sun thinks that she can defeat me to the throne of weather? Very funny. I will tell you how to help me win but you will have to join me in the fight.” After spending a little time with Rain and Hail they hatched a plan. Wind freed his friends. 

Rain used his power of rain to make a distraction by making  everyone miserable and sopping wet. Hail used his power as a surprise attack making everyone think it was snowing white, glittery, uy snow but as it came down it began hardening and hurting the people. Wind swept the falling hail and rain into going left, right and down. Sun was away when it happened but she had a clear view of Milia. Soon she was traveling as fast as a rocket. 

Chapter 6 Sun vs Wind

It was a terrible battle. Sun used her light to blind Wind and Wind blew gust after gust towards Sun as a powerful shield and weapon. Then Sun used her warmth trying to fade out Wind. Wind howled with fury and tried to blow the rays out but failed. Sun tried and tried to get Wind to run away with her warmth and brightness (the opposite of Wind coldness and darkness). But Wind resisted by dodging the waves of heat and blowing as hard as possible. When both were worn out, they rested as long as they could until they started battling each other again. 

Chapter 7 Allies

Soon they had to rest again. 

“Will someone help me battle ?” they both asked at the same time. Wind looked at Rain and Hail expecting them to join him. 

“Why wouldn’t I?” said Hail almost instantly. They both looked at Rain. To their surprise Rain did not answer. 

“Well?” asked Wind. 

Rain looked angry suddenly. “If you think that I am going to risk my life to help you, then you were wrong!”Rain shouted. 

“But Ra…” Hail started 

“NO!” yelled Rain. He then stomped away and it started to rain Rain’s angry tears on top of the Earth. Wind looked towards the last of the criminals. Their names were Thunder and Snow. 

Thunder said slowly, “Well Sun is annoying, so yes I will join you.” Sun was too tired to charge at him so she spent the time resting. 

Rain shouted from above, “I DON’T WANT TO FIGHT, I WANT TO LIVE IN PEACE!” 

Snow said softly, “I don’t want to go into war either.” Sun waited patiently hoping someone would join her side. Nobody said a word. They were all afraid that they would be knocked out clean by Wind. 

Suddenly a guard spoke up, “I will join you Sun!” Wind hissed, sending a gale towards Sun. Sun put some light into the gale knowing Wind would get hurt by it. Wind quickly dodged it. But one by one all the guards joined in with Sun and using the shields they had Sun blasted power in them to make the light more and more powerful.

Chapter 8  Banishment for Life

The orb of light was so powerful that it went towards Wind by itself. But Wind dodged it quickly. Normally Wind would have chased it around to be erce. He was so tired from jumping around (like a crazy kangaroo) he and his allies didn’t realize what was happening before they were hit down by Sun’s allies and dragged away unconscious. 

Sun made more light and as Wind dodged it Sun pinned down Wind and said in a furious voice, “You had been given a chance . You did not use it. Therefore you will be banished from life 

in Minilia. You may go wherever you please but you have to stay forever on Earth.” 

Chapter 9 Epilogue 

From that day on, Wind never returned to Minilia. He has always stayed on Earth. There is a reason Sun is here too. Sun must watch over Wind but at night when Sun is gone and sleeping Wind becomes very mischievous. That is why nights and mornings are colder than day. There is also a reason why summer is hotter than the other seasons. It’s because summer reminds Wind about Sun so he becomes very sneaky and hardly goes out. Also there is always a little part of Wind in Minilia. That is why whenever he can he’ll be ghting Sun for the throne which he thinks is rightfully his. 


That Is Why Wind Is So Unpredictable 

About the Authors/Illustrators  

Katherine is a girl who  lives in California.  Katherine loves  animals and enjoys playing  sports.  

Madeleine is a  girl who likes  playing the violin. Her  favorite animals  are dogs and  hummingbirds.  


Katherine and Madeleine made this book. They could not have done this without the people who  started the idea, Elena who inspired us one windy day in third grade. Also the editor Miss Erin  and Ms Sonia.  

We hope you enjoyed our book How the Wind was Banished FOREVER!

One day as we were eating lunch, we saw a piece of trash. The wind was blowing it along.Mr. bosco came along but we noticed that he picked the trash up. That was the start of the story. 

How the Wind was Banished Forever