Screen Writing

By: Anastasia & Annabelle Miin (9G and 12G)

The Fabric Covering of Google’s New Nest Mini Is Made from 100% Recycled Plastic Bottles


Frank: A tech-savvy grandpa, mid-70s, with a twinkle in his eye.

Sabrina: Frank’s granddaughter, 12 years old, curious and energetic.


Frank’s living room. A Google Home speaker sits on a side table, adorned with a bright blue cover.

(Scene opens with Sabrina bouncing a tennis ball against the wall. Frank is reading a newspaper.)

Sabrina: Grandpa, why is your speaker wearing a blue shirt?

Frank: (Chuckles) It’s not a shirt, Sabrina. It’s a cover.

Sabrina: But it looks like fabric!

Frank: It does, doesn’t it? But it’s actually made from something quite surprising.

Sabrina: What? Magic?

Frank: (Smiling) Not quite magic, but pretty close. It’s made from recycled water bottles.

Sabrina: Water bottles? But how can a water bottle become a speaker cover?

Frank: Well, it’s a bit of a journey. First, the plastic bottles are collected and cleaned.

(Frank gestures towards the speaker.)

Frank: See this mesh-like material? It’s made by shredding the plastic bottles into tiny flakes and then melting them down.

Sabrina: Wow! Like turning trash into treasure?

Frank: Exactly! Then, they spin these melted flakes into thin threads, just like they do with cotton or wool.

Sabrina: So, it’s like plastic yarn?

Frank: You got it! These threads are then woven together to create this strong, breathable fabric.

Sabrina: But it feels so soft!

Frank: That’s because they add special treatments to make it feel nice and smooth.

Sabrina: And then they color it blue?

Frank: Precisely! They use dyes that are safe for the environment.

Sabrina: So, this blue cover is actually made from recycled plastic that’s been transformed into a beautiful fabric?

Frank: You’ve got it, Sabrina! And it’s not just blue. They make these covers in all sorts of colors and patterns. The speaker’s external enclosure is also made from 35% post-consumer recycled plastic.

Sabrina: That’s amazing! So, millions of these speakers are covered in recycled plastic?

Frank: Millions, Sabrina! With a single half-liter plastic bottle, fabric covering for two Nest Mini devices can be made. It’s a great way to reduce waste and give old plastic bottles a new life. 

Sabrina: I never knew something so cool could be made from something so ordinary.

Frank: That’s the beauty of technology, Sabrina. It can take something we throw away and turn it into something useful and beautiful.

(Sabrina picks up the speaker and examines the cover closely.)

Sabrina: I’m going to tell everyone at school about this!

Frank: That’s a great idea, Sabrina. Maybe you can even inspire some of your friends to recycle more.

Sabrina: I will!

(Sabrina puts the speaker back down and bounces the tennis ball again, but this time with a newfound appreciation for the blue cover.)

Frank: (Smiling) You know, Sabrina, this little speaker is more than just a gadget. It’s a reminder that we can all make a difference, even in small ways.

Sabrina: Like turning trash into treasure?

Frank: Exactly!

(Sabrina smiles and continues bouncing the ball, her mind buzzing with the possibilities of recycling.)

(Lights fade.)

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